An unforgetful Reunion xD

The reunion's awesome at start and got a lil more entertaining at night. Let me tell you the whole story :)

The party starts at 3pm but unlucky for us , it rains. So , we wait for the rain to stop. While waiting , Farquar came to my house first. Along with Ameerul Syafiq. Then , we saw Alvin, Megat, Irfan, Ikmal at the field. So I invited them in. And then, Fadhlul and the rest came to my house and we rested for a while. After that we decided to do the evening prayer. But unfortunately, the rest of the gang which were in Vincy's all the time came to my house at that very moment. And so they waited for us to finish our prayers and we got out from the house. And I met all my schoolmates again. Walk all the way to USJ 17 field and it rained. So , Yik Kin suggested we went to USJ 16 gazebo for shelter. We walked all the way there to get shelter. Then , when the rest of em arrived , we waited and discuss how are we going to buy those foods. Me, Farquar, Tasha and Natasha decided to volunteer and buy the food. ( I have a transport, fyi.) To make matters worse, we didnt even know that at that time, Chermaine , Yik Kin , Yew Ming and Vicky ditched us and went back home. (I didnt blame them, maybe they have to go back early) We did receive too many phone calls from them to hurry though. Luckily, we managed to buy all the necessities. So we hurried back.

Then , we end up having KFC and soft drinks cause we can't buy any pizzas. But , we had a lot of fun. When we finished , we walk all the way back to my house and ended upat the USJ 17 field. Laugh , crack jokes , play Truth or Dare , ghost stories , futsal and stuffs. Supper at Sri Melur mamak. We had lots of fun.But the downside is, many of my friends did not come. :'( 
But,nevertheless we're going to make a 2nd one I think. And its gonna be a huge and formal one xD

Thanks a lot guys! I'll be sure to remember this forever in my heart :'D
And thanks to my friend Vincy for organising this reunion. I'm sure we can do better next time, don't worry :)

A story..

 Here is a story I would like to share..A story that really touches one's heart..

Seorang pemuda yang sedang berada di tahun akhir pengajiannya mengharapkan sebuah kereta sport daripada ayahnya... lantas, si pemuda memberitahu hajatnya kepada ayahnya, seorang hartawan yang ayah hanya anak bertambah yakin, andai keputusan peperiksaannya begitu cemerlang, pasti kereta itu akan menjadi miliknya.. 

beberapa bulan berlalu...

ternyata si anak, dengan berkat kesungguhannya..telah beroleh kejayaan yang cukup cemerlang.. hatinya berbunga keriangan...satu hari.. .si ayah memanggil si anak ke bilik ayah memuji anaknya...sambil menyatakan betapa bangga hati seorang bapa sepertinya dgn kejayaan si anak yang cukup anak tersenyum puas... 

di ruang matanya terbayang kilauan kereta sport merah yang selama ini menjadi idamannya ayah yang bagaikan mengerti kehendak si anak, menghulurkan sebuah kotak yang berbungkus rapi dan anak terkesima...sungguh...bukan itu yg kuhajatkan... dengan hati yang berat...kotak itu bertukar tangan...matanya terarah kepada riak wajah ayahnya...yg tidak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan, seolah2 tidak dapat membaca tanda tanya yang bersarang di hatinya....dalam pada itu, si anak masih membuka pembalut yang membungkus kotak itu...penutup kotak dibuka...

apa makna semua ini???..sebuah Al-Quran kecil, comel dgn cover kulit..tinta emas menghiasi tulisan khat di muka anak memandang ayahnya...terasa dirinya dipermainkan... amarahnya membuak...nafsu mudanya bergelojak... “ayah sengaja mempermainkan saya...ayah bukannya x tahu betapa saya menyukai kereta tu...bukannya ayah x mampu utk membelikannya...sudah ayah! bukan al-Quran ni yang saya nak!” katanya keras... al-quran itu dihempaskan ke atas meja bacaan...

si anak terus meninggalkan si ayah.. tanpa memberi walau sepicing utk si ayah bersuara...pakaiannya disumbatkan ke dalam beg..lantas, dia meninggalkan banglo mewah ayahnya... memulakan kehidupan baru dengan sekeping ijazah yg dimilikinya....

10 tahun berlalu..

si anak kini merupakan seorang yang berharta...punyai syarikat sendiri...dengan isteri yg cantik dan anak-anak yang sihat...cukup membahagiakan...namun hatinya tersentuh.. sudah 10 tahun..
sejak peristiwa itu dia tidak pernah menjenguk ayahnya...sedang dia berkira2 sendiri...telefonnya berdering...dari peguam ayahnya...ayahnya meninggal dunia semalam...dengan mewariskan semua hartanya kepada si anak... si anak diminta pulang untuk menyelesaikan segala yg berkaitan perwarisan harta...dan buat pertama kalinya setelah dia bergelar anak pulang ke banglo ayahnya... memerhatikan banglo yg menyimpan 1001 nostalgia dlm hidupnya...hatinya sebak..

bertambah sebak apabila mendapati di atas meja di bilik yang dihempaskannya masih lagi setia berada di situ...bagaikan setianya hati ayahnya mengharapkan kepulangannya selama ini...perlahan2 langkahnya menuju ke situ... mengambil al-quran tu..membelek2-nya dengan penuh keharuan...

tiba-tiba...jatuh sesuatu dari al-quran itu...segugus kunci... di muka belakang al-quran itu...sebuah sampul surat ternyata diselotepkan disitu...kunci itu segera dipungut...hatinya tertanya2...nyata sekali...di dalam sampul surat itu...terdapat resit pembelian kereta idamannya.. .dibeli pada hari konvokesyennya...dengan bayaran yg telah dilunaskan oleh si ayah... sepucuk warkah..tulisan tangan org yg amat dikenalinya selama ini.. hadiah teristimewa utk putera kesayanganku....air mata si anak menitis deras... hatinya bagai ditusuk sembilu.. penyesalan mula bertandang...namun semuanya sudah terlambat... 

sekadar renungan bersama: berapa banyak kita melupakan nikmat Allah, hanya semata-mata kerana nikmat itu tidak "dibungkus", didatangkan atau diberi dalam keadaan yg kita hajati?? aku bukannya yang terbaik utk memberi nasihat... sekadar berkongsi ilmu..utk saling mengingati...

Once upon a time..

Atcually I have nothing to say on this post..Just saying that I have to go back to hostel this evening..that's all..maybe I'll update this blog the next weekend..haha

                                                                       Roxas Is Cool..:D

The Results


The game started at 7.40 pm,3 April 2010.. arghh!!! it shouldn't be like this... It's not possible that MU loses.. Chelsea wins is just because of sheer luck... If only Rooney was in the game, MU should've won by now.. Macheda scored a goal for MU. Joe Cole and Didier Drogba both scored a goal for Chelsea...


    Hmm...I've been sick for the past two days.So in addition,I did not go to school. It all started during the night prep class.I was starting on my homework when suddenly my tooth's beginning to feel pain.It was really painful,mind you..I can't even focus on what I'm doing.So I've decided to call my parents to pick me up at 11.00 p.m...When I reached home,I jumped immediately onto my bed and slept because I'm too tired to do anything.

The next morning,I went to the dentist to check what's causing the problem..The dentist however cannot detect any problems with any of my tooth..She even said that all of it was in good condition.Wow..I'm suprised..O_o..
Afterwards I went to a morning clinic nearby to see the doctor to check my temperature.The doc said that I had cough and also flu.Ooh and not to forget,a fever.Excellent,three in one..Anyway the doc gave me an M.C for two days..The doc also said that ignoring these diseases might cause disturbance in the teeth..Ooh so now I figured it out...Anyway after that,my mum treated me with Pizza Hut. 'em so much.:)

So for the next hour and until now,there was nothing much I can do except studying,eating and onlining for a little period of least Amirul and Faiz called me once in a while..So I didn't feel much lonely.But still,it's fun to stay at home,doing nothing..=.='..Eventually,I overheard a conversation between my parents last night.They were atcually going to Arab Saudi (Mecca).Which means they'll be leaving me and my sis for a week.But hey,I'm in hostel so that doesn't bother me much..I'll wish a safe journey for both of them and asked them to pray for me too..oops that's all for now..gotta do my H.W..=.='


This article is adapted from my friend's blog..special thanks to him for giving me the rights to publish this in my blog..

'My uncle posed me a quote that I will remember forever:

"Afif, I'm gonna be straight with you. Taste, enjoy and devour every single food that you mother cook because, when she pass away, you can't taste them anymore"

And during the dinner which my uncle posed me the quote, I ate every single thing served at the table. Thinking about the quote makes me sad enough. I love my mother so very, very much to the point where I have no shame in hugging her.

Fact; Everyone's going to die, no matter what you do. If there's a life-extending pill, well take it. Then your mom's body will be immune to it, and finally, gone.

Truth is, my mother is the person that I love so much. From the start of my life till now. She made me feel safe, she made me feel de-stress, and mostly, she made me feel loved. Yes, she nags, yes, she scolds, and yes, she sometimes left us alone. But she nags because I did something wrong, she scolds because she wants to straighten me up, and she left us alone because she was busy and back then, our maid still hadn't come yet.

I don't know how many times have I dreamt about my mother's passing. It was a dream filled with despair, yet the environment was so radiant. I saw mom in a dress that lighted itself elegantly in the wide space. I just watched her, as a river of sort separates me from her. Then I woke up feeling hot, hot because of my tears.

I remember back when I just got back from camp and told mother about all my problems. She scolded me and I went into my room and slept in tears. Truth was, I just got back from camp, I want some motherly love after all the crap I've been through in the camp (Non-cooperative camp mates), but guess what, I got scolded. Call me a pansy, but you won't know how that feels until it hits you. But mom made up for it, by welcoming me to the real world from my sleep, with the loving face on her.

This year, I have problems with my classmates, I discussed with mom. I had stress for a straight week due to some people weren't being cooperative enough. As smart as she is, she presented me with a solution that I never thought about before. Then, I'm as happy as a bird.

Now, imagine all these memories, remain as such. No more mom. She'll be part of the history. There will be nobody to support me when I'm down, nobody to love me like a mother, nobody to straighten me out and nobody to cook the best meals for me.

A question, do you want your mother to pass away? I doubt that you'll say "yes".

If I had to jot down every single piece of memories with my mom, Google would take me down for writing the longest post possible.

Mom is the best thing that ever happened in my life. Thank you mother, for being the best person in the world.'

A week in Hostel..

Even if its only a week...theres many things happening...hmm..hostel is not so boring as I expected..

-A new f.4 student has just started schooling here..he is required to stay in my dorm...I havent got the chance to talk to him...but I will do so the next time Ive got the chance..

-Received some of the Ujian Prestasi Papers today...Holy A's!!...hmm maybe the papers are too hard...or maybe its because i did not study hard to prepare for this exam..anyway I have to buck up my studies..I really wanted to score 9a's in PMR..I dont want 'banana fruit two times'(This quote is adapted from Adnan Sempit,a funny romance Malay film.)

-Watching a team of Pengawas Media's going to PWTC for Pesta Buku breaks my heart a little..Ive been looking forward for this trip..and so it happens that I cant go cause I'm not a pengawas media anymore..oh well who cares? maybe after Amir had gone back from there he'll lent me one of his books..:)
This afternoon however, I saw Toge(not his real name),my f.5 senior,is noting down names of the members of the koperasi club who will go to PWTC is the dialog between me and him...

Syahmi: This is for the trip to PWTC tomorrow,right?
Toge:Yes..however some of the members havent gave their names yet..
Syahmi:Can I see the paper?
Toge: Sure,Have a look at it..
Syahmi:Wait a sec,this Ikhwan had already been there yesterday...He hasn't got any money I'm sure he wouldn't mind if i take his place..:)
Toge:Hmm ok..just write your name on this paper and pay me RM10 afterwards..
Syahmi:Thank you so much..:)

So here you are..finally ive got the chance to go there..eventhough Im not one of the members of the club :p...

-At 10.45 am I rode the bus to PWTC...after about half an hour we finally reached there. The time length for us to 'jalan-jalan' is from 12.00 to 5.00..So we've got plenty of time..
I bought lots of books and also comics..:)
We also met some of our ex-school friends there...After about 2.00 we went to The Mall to have some lunch...Ive bought a burger from Mc Donald to fill my tummy..good burgers they have there..We also toyed around with the luck machine( the one that has the face of an old man..and it requires you to put your hand in its mouth and pay 40 cents)..We torn apart the papers and scattered them around..haha :p..C'mon you expect me to believe that shit?..Anyway we went back to PWTC to see a live concert performed by two of my fav Nasyid bands..UNIC(now changed to UNIQUE) and In-team...Wow their voices are really wonderful..This is really a once in a lifetime experience..After that we went back to our school and reached there about 6.50p.m...

-Today we have to decorate our class as it will be used for the Syarahan Bahasa Arab competition for Amal Islami...Seven schools will be participating in this event,including my school...I hope my school will win every competition..:)
I also have to buy things for our food stall tomorrow..So my friends and I decided to go to Mydin USJ to buy some of da things..

-The event is really happening...the other schools were also very good in almost all the competition...Boy, they've put up a really tough competition...As for me, I only have to observe the stall...turns out the stall's becoming a big hit..:)
By the end of the day,we've managed to make a profit of RM 200 ++..We were so tired,that we just slept all day long..:)

my so called 'beloved' hostel..

Today marks the end of the 1 week school holiday...lots of things ive done during this week...

I'm atcually 'glad' that school holiday's u know why? its because i can see my friends again..:P
I am also really excited. For what? For PMR. The feeling of facing the exam hit me at the head this one day. The suspense, the pressure, the nervous feeling when I grab that paper and also, the feat of going into the age of 16.

Why 16 though Taylor Swift (My favourite female artist) made a song titled "Fifteen"?
-The opportunity to work at the local KFC, obtain money, and score some cool gadgets
-The chance for me to ride a motorcycle legally
-Finally, to obtain freedom that I once longed to have

So yeah..if we think this PMR is pretty easy..then it'll be a breeze..:D
(thats what my teacher said though...)

Hmm...I really should finish my homework right now instead of blogging..but who cares about that anyway? there's always 'plenty' of time in da school..:) haha

I'm atcually jealous to see my friends have gone back to their kampungs..i havent been there for about one year now..i truly missed it...when will i get the chance..:(
Oh yeah,I get to visit it during Eid Fitri..Thats when PMR is very near..

Thats all for now..ive to prepare my things to go back to asrama...if only i dont have to go back..hmm
Cant wait for the ujian prestasi papers though...Wonder how my marks will turn out...
I really need to study now..I realised PMR is getting nearer and nearer every single day...
I shouldnt be playing too much..


Ok here i am..writing this post while drinking hot choco..and also watching the cat sleeping beside me..

Hmm..Fitri and Ikhwan have already gone back to their homes..*sign* I will always remember the memories with them...can't wait to meet them at school..:D

Ohh yeah..ive finally finished No More Heroes 2 on Wii..its my fav game..:)
For those who didn't know yet..its a game with plenty of slashing off body parts and full of blood..:D..Just the right kind of game for me..

Recently..ive been experimenting with the make ur own pokemon cards website..its real fun putting other people's face and noting down their attacks..sometimes it can be really funny..:)
for those who want to try out this thing, head to

Well..with KST's near to life is becoming a little bit easier...I'm grateful to have a home like this..:D

Thats all for me now..don't forget to see the next post from me ASAP..

Cant get her of my mind...

I don't know how, but I'm inflicted with my friend Afif's style of using this blog as a platform of releasing stress,, and everything around it...

Shit...every second that passes..every minutes that passes..every hour or maybe days...i cant stop thinking about her...i really hated myself when I'm becoming like this...i know that i am too young to be loving someone else..but who cares about that anyway..the problem is that this feeling is so strong..i cant just let the feelings go away that easy...

'sigh' many times have i fall in love? well let's see...i think its about 20 times..and everytime i confesses my feelings to one of them..the results will always be the same..rejected...

Why is this world so cruel? Are all the kindness and happiness are fading away from this world?Why does this things keeps happening to me?! ARGH..Im so frustated!!

Recently i had a tremendous crush on my own school mate..I'm atcually interested in her behavior..and she is also beautiful...really,i'm really falling for that girl since form 1...but im afraid to confess to her....

But there's one problem...Ive recently chatted with one of my ex school mate...well to tell you the truth she is the first crush since i was little..and the feelings still existed until today..the question torn apart between these two..which one should i really choose? which one should I focus? And which is the one that I really loves the most? Somehow i didnt even trust my feeling any longer..

I love both of them at the same time..but i only want one not two...i didnt know which one to choose!! it feels like my head is exploding..i cant seem to get them both out of my mind...atcually ive been thinking lately that i think ive decided to choose my ex school mate..because ive fall in love with her countless times..and we had known each other for a long time,so i understand how she feels...eventhough she denies it, i'll surely cant forget her easily...

If only you know how much i love you..If only you know I'm willing to sacrifice anything for you..If only you know how i wish u couldve be mine..if only you know how much i cared about you..if only you know that ive thought about you every second that passes? If only you know...

my life sucks..

Exam's finally i can sit back and relax...ohh forgot bout KGT and KST...
must do it later..shit..

Anyway...some of the exams are not so hard...i got past some of them by 'copying'...hehe
hmm...many things are happening this week..

All of the boys in my school has to wear our white baju melayu school uniform during night prep for 6 days..darn it..i hate it so much..luckily the horror ends this week :)

Oh yeah..Fitri and Ikhwan are staying in my house thinking bout what are the things we should do next..:D

Finally I had enough of da new rules!!..really difficults my life now!!..Why cant we do our prep in class now?! and what's girls! are they crazy or what i wonder? (mind my language)..its not like we are going to do anything crazy to them..its just that its easier to talk to them during night prep..stupid rules..

What's more..form 3 will have a special 'event'..that is a meeting with 'lembaga disiplin'..oh great..excellent..congrats to the one who did so much disciplinary actions for making my life miserable enough..(not counting me though,as i also have many disciplinary cases..but not too many..)

Please dont do anymore of this stupid rules anymore...why do this things started happening when i'm taking PMR..why? why? why?!

 Hmm...atcually i'm not in the mood right now..because im thinking about this tremondous crush i had...some how i want her again after about 1 year trying to forget her..but whatever..I only care about that rules now..X(

Well...that's all for now...gotta go :)

my 1st week in march...

So much things are happening this week..well next week's exam and i haven't prepared anything yet...:D

-Had Science class in da lab.we were learning reproduction at that time.ok maybe im a little overexcited,but hey...asking questions regarding female parts is not a crime right? anyway we had a really good time laughing and asking stupid q's..:p...Ooh and not to forget,horny jokes! And by the way,our school's canteen has already been opened after being closed for about one month..don't ask me why :p

-It's the da first time I'm wearing white uniform after about 1 year i'm not wearing it as i'm not a librarian any longer..but ive got plenty of time to focus on PMR..haha.
After school, ive to go to 'kelas pemulihan' for math.Darn,i really hate math before but i sort of like it now.Anyway we had to do 7-questions about linear equations. I'm atcually quite suprised that i can do ALL the questions..and not only that, i got all of it right!! Wow I never realised I'm so good in math before :p haha
All my friends kept asking questions about what they dont understand. Boy am i proud...:D...never had this much respect before :)

-Well,we had tauhid feqah.And then after about 15 minutes listening to the non-stop 'lecture' from ustaz...I finally had enough and slept :)...But soon enough,ustaz started asking questions but atcually we didn't memorize a thing yet..X(..Eventually,some of my friends had been ordered to stand on the chair ousite da class cause they couldn't answer the q...Luckily I haven't been been asked..fuhh what a close call...
They did feel a bit shameful because a lot of people had seen them standing outside the class...patience my fellow friends..
Anyway..after weeks of deciding.Ive finally decided to change from PBSM to Silat Harimau.
The reason I did this is to keep my body fitter :p..Besides,its been quite a while since I had any martial arts trainings...And some of my friends are also members of Silat Harimau..which means i'm not entirely alone :D

-Nothing much is happening today except watching Amir and Kucai reading love novels..Well ive been trying to understand indices while reading a love novel at the same time...haha..Oh yeah,today is the first time I forgot to bring my tie hahaha...Luckily Fitri saves the day by letting me wear his own till the end of school..Thanks bro,knew I could count on silat training today with my friends..almost forgot

-What a boring day,after 10.00 a.m none of the teachers came in..Hmm maybe this is the time to study for exam next week :p....After studying for a while I finally fell asleep :D haha...Anyway,I hope i'll do well in this exam...Eventhough I know some of  my friends will not take this as a serious matter,I still think this exam is important cause achieving good result in this exam is one step towards getting flying colours in PMR...

Well this marks the end of this week...I will do a new post soon after exam's over..Please pray for me okay?:D I'll appreciate that very much


There's nothing much happening around here today...well this morning i have to finish some of that darn KST...when will this terror ever ends? 11.00a.m i have to go to tuition...haha..wat a boring life...always the same thing every week...
Well, atcually i heard that my grandma plans to take the family to a chinese restaurant this afternoon...
oh yeah!! never had dim sum for a long time...looking forward to it:D

Eventually sooner or later i have to go back to my so-called 'beloved' school...shit...why must holidays have to be so short? and why does schooling day always comes fast? hmm...go figure..

Hmm..thats all i want to say for today..goodbye my fellow friends...wish me luck when i'm there :)....if you want to see the next post maybe you'll have to wait for next week :(

A day to remember....

Today...i got nothing to do except onlining till its time for tuition(as usual)....oh yeah..havent even started on my homeworks yet..:) told me to visit my friend fadhlul..who is my next door neighbour...i heard that he suffers a broken thats really approximately 6 o clock me n my mum went to his house..his mum showed us his arm's x-ray...omg its terrible...u shouldve seen it..anyway his sis makes tasty milo..hehe..its got that 'skali cube msti nk lagi' taste..after saying goodbye and wishing get well soon to fadhlul,we finally went home..

We had dinner after's so much food...grilled salmon,fried potato,mushroom soup,fresh salad,bun with butter...what else can u say? Mom's really good at cooking...makes me eat more that usual..haha...what a sumptious dinner i had!

Well tonight i'll be starting KST...arrgghh too much work!! feels like my head is exploding X(
anyway...somehow ive got a flu my parents say i should sleep early..hmm..but after i finished my KST first!!:(

Homework...Lots of homework...

By the time u started reading this..maybe i'll be doing my homework...:D

So yeah.......... I've got myself into lots of homeworks. Will the terror ends? Who knows....well...only this month ive been instructed to start on KGT (Kajian Geografi Tempatan),KST (Kajian Sejarah Tempatan) and finishing the suicidal KHB Folio...

Seriously, I really don't's just that these projects cost me a hell lot of time...and involving many papers too...

And for KHB...well to tell you the truth i dunno when will it ever ends(O_o)...i really hate doing it...this work involves many papers...well...atcually a complete folio is a 40% mark in it or not i have to do it...:(

Last week our beloved history teacher gave us the panduan KST thingie...omg...sure lots of things to do...when will this thing 'di bubarkan' i wonder?

Emm...KGT...shit..even the how-to-do-it papers are long am i supposed to do it now?
Luckily Luqman still has his..(hey bro if u ever see this post,dont hesitate to send a copy for me ok?:D)
Which reminds me..that darn math homework still isnt finished...shit...that homework has been given about 2 weeks and I still havent even started it yet..Oh yeah, I still have Agama homeworks to finish D:....the homework is like we have to finish the whole book...X(

Oh...forgot one thing....i still havent started the 18-pages notes that my dearest BM teacher gave...oh my..when will this terror end?

Darn you homework............

between two parts..

The problem I have in my life is... I have two sides...good and evil...of course everybody knows this cause these two sides existed in our lives...

So here i am..posting might think that this is a piece of junk..but the truth is..we cannot ignore these two completely..  

Before you go and scream "You're an idiot!" to me, realize that I am the writer, thus, I control the post. 

Anyway...ever heard of Jekyll and Hyde??well..that story means a lot in my life..makes me realize that we can choose what we wanted between good and evil....

Sometimes the evil part becomes really dominant over me...when im like that...i dunno myself...even my friends have become my enemies...i cursed them countless times..the problem is...this 'evil' part within me only becomes dominant when im home..but when im in school..thats when the good part comes in...patience has become my best pal when at school....whenever they sabotage my locker or hide my stuffs...i didnt hit them back even fact..i only rely on patience..cause i believe that god will always be with the patient...

I think i know the solution...the best way to tackle this prob is to do 'solat sunat' n recite the quran frequently..i gotta start doing it now....maybe i have a complete control of my evil side after this..

I know this post sounds sooo childish for fantasizing crapfest, but this is what i always thought about,and it can't be stop..

there's a long story behind this image...
this pic holds many memories..
memories that cannot be repeated again..
in this pic=irfan,hariz,faiz,nazmy,aqwa,me,qusyari,mutek,hidayat

A song...

Jesse Mccartney-Just So You Know...
Although it is considered as a pretty old song...its still one of the best songs ive ever heard...
the song itself reminds me of my life...

For the here...

The Lyrics

I shouldn't love you
but i want to, i just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you
but i can't move, i can't look away
And i don't know
how to be fine when im not
Cause i don't know
how to make a feeling stop

Just so you know
this feelings taking control of me
And i can't help it
I won't sit around
I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
Ive tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
I just gotta say it all before i go
Just so you know

Its getting hard to
be around you, theres so much i can't say
Do you want me
to hide the feelings, and look the other way
And i don't know
how to be fine when im not
Cause i don't know how to make a feeling stop

Just so you know
this feelings taking control of me
And i can't help it
I won't sit around
I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
Ive tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
I just gotta say it all before i go
Just so you know

This emptyness is killin' me
And im wond'ring why ive waited so long
Looking back i realise
It was always there just never spoken
Im waitin' here
Been waitin' here

oh, oh, oh

Just so you know
this feelings taking control of me
And i can't help it
I won't sit around
I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
Ive tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
I just gotta say it all before i go
Just so you know

Just so you know

Thought you should know
Ive tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
I just gotta say it all before i go
Just so you know

Just so you know

a person's life..

A story bout an ordinary teen...
not too tall and not too thin...also not too short or fat..
average atcually...
anyway...he's studying in SAMBEST now..
considered as a handsome guy by his friends (oh come on please dont laugh)
sometimes very talkative and destructive..
also rebellious sometimes..
but other times..he's really a nice guy once u get to know him..

popped out from his mom's tummy on 2 June 1995...
steak is his fav food...
got a best pal named Farquar Hazmie...
when he's home the comp would be reserved for one can touch it even for a minute...
has a sis thats one year younger than he is..
addicted to wii and facebook...
a big fan of dragonball since 9 years old...
lives in Soo-bunk Jalan USJ 17/3A to be exact...
has a cat named comel...does it ever grow
likes to read game magazines and comics..
has been active in myspace,facebook etc..etc.. since standard 4...
can u guess who he is now?

thats right...its me!! :D