There's nothing much happening around here today...well this morning i have to finish some of that darn KST...when will this terror ever ends? 11.00a.m i have to go to tuition...haha..wat a boring life...always the same thing every week...
Well, atcually i heard that my grandma plans to take the family to a chinese restaurant this afternoon...
oh yeah!! never had dim sum for a long time...looking forward to it:D
Eventually sooner or later i have to go back to my so-called 'beloved' school...shit...why must holidays have to be so short? and why does schooling day always comes fast? hmm...go figure..
Hmm..thats all i want to say for today..goodbye my fellow friends...wish me luck when i'm there :)....if you want to see the next post maybe you'll have to wait for next week :(