
There's nothing much happening around here today...well this morning i have to finish some of that darn KST...when will this terror ever ends? 11.00a.m i have to go to tuition...haha..wat a boring life...always the same thing every week...
Well, atcually i heard that my grandma plans to take the family to a chinese restaurant this afternoon...
oh yeah!! never had dim sum for a long time...looking forward to it:D

Eventually sooner or later i have to go back to my so-called 'beloved' school...shit...why must holidays have to be so short? and why does schooling day always comes fast? hmm...go figure..

Hmm..thats all i want to say for today..goodbye my fellow friends...wish me luck when i'm there :)....if you want to see the next post maybe you'll have to wait for next week :(

A day to remember....

Today...i got nothing to do except onlining till its time for tuition(as usual)....oh yeah..havent even started on my homeworks yet..:) told me to visit my friend fadhlul..who is my next door neighbour...i heard that he suffers a broken thats really approximately 6 o clock me n my mum went to his house..his mum showed us his arm's x-ray...omg its terrible...u shouldve seen it..anyway his sis makes tasty milo..hehe..its got that 'skali cube msti nk lagi' taste..after saying goodbye and wishing get well soon to fadhlul,we finally went home..

We had dinner after's so much food...grilled salmon,fried potato,mushroom soup,fresh salad,bun with butter...what else can u say? Mom's really good at cooking...makes me eat more that usual..haha...what a sumptious dinner i had!

Well tonight i'll be starting KST...arrgghh too much work!! feels like my head is exploding X(
anyway...somehow ive got a flu my parents say i should sleep early..hmm..but after i finished my KST first!!:(

Homework...Lots of homework...

By the time u started reading this..maybe i'll be doing my homework...:D

So yeah.......... I've got myself into lots of homeworks. Will the terror ends? Who knows....well...only this month ive been instructed to start on KGT (Kajian Geografi Tempatan),KST (Kajian Sejarah Tempatan) and finishing the suicidal KHB Folio...

Seriously, I really don't's just that these projects cost me a hell lot of time...and involving many papers too...

And for KHB...well to tell you the truth i dunno when will it ever ends(O_o)...i really hate doing it...this work involves many papers...well...atcually a complete folio is a 40% mark in it or not i have to do it...:(

Last week our beloved history teacher gave us the panduan KST thingie...omg...sure lots of things to do...when will this thing 'di bubarkan' i wonder?

Emm...KGT...shit..even the how-to-do-it papers are long am i supposed to do it now?
Luckily Luqman still has his..(hey bro if u ever see this post,dont hesitate to send a copy for me ok?:D)
Which reminds me..that darn math homework still isnt finished...shit...that homework has been given about 2 weeks and I still havent even started it yet..Oh yeah, I still have Agama homeworks to finish D:....the homework is like we have to finish the whole book...X(

Oh...forgot one thing....i still havent started the 18-pages notes that my dearest BM teacher gave...oh my..when will this terror end?

Darn you homework............

between two parts..

The problem I have in my life is... I have two sides...good and evil...of course everybody knows this cause these two sides existed in our lives...

So here i am..posting might think that this is a piece of junk..but the truth is..we cannot ignore these two completely..  

Before you go and scream "You're an idiot!" to me, realize that I am the writer, thus, I control the post. 

Anyway...ever heard of Jekyll and Hyde??well..that story means a lot in my life..makes me realize that we can choose what we wanted between good and evil....

Sometimes the evil part becomes really dominant over me...when im like that...i dunno myself...even my friends have become my enemies...i cursed them countless times..the problem is...this 'evil' part within me only becomes dominant when im home..but when im in school..thats when the good part comes in...patience has become my best pal when at school....whenever they sabotage my locker or hide my stuffs...i didnt hit them back even fact..i only rely on patience..cause i believe that god will always be with the patient...

I think i know the solution...the best way to tackle this prob is to do 'solat sunat' n recite the quran frequently..i gotta start doing it now....maybe i have a complete control of my evil side after this..

I know this post sounds sooo childish for fantasizing crapfest, but this is what i always thought about,and it can't be stop..

there's a long story behind this image...
this pic holds many memories..
memories that cannot be repeated again..
in this pic=irfan,hariz,faiz,nazmy,aqwa,me,qusyari,mutek,hidayat

A song...

Jesse Mccartney-Just So You Know...
Although it is considered as a pretty old song...its still one of the best songs ive ever heard...
the song itself reminds me of my life...

For the here...

The Lyrics

I shouldn't love you
but i want to, i just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you
but i can't move, i can't look away
And i don't know
how to be fine when im not
Cause i don't know
how to make a feeling stop

Just so you know
this feelings taking control of me
And i can't help it
I won't sit around
I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
Ive tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
I just gotta say it all before i go
Just so you know

Its getting hard to
be around you, theres so much i can't say
Do you want me
to hide the feelings, and look the other way
And i don't know
how to be fine when im not
Cause i don't know how to make a feeling stop

Just so you know
this feelings taking control of me
And i can't help it
I won't sit around
I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
Ive tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
I just gotta say it all before i go
Just so you know

This emptyness is killin' me
And im wond'ring why ive waited so long
Looking back i realise
It was always there just never spoken
Im waitin' here
Been waitin' here

oh, oh, oh

Just so you know
this feelings taking control of me
And i can't help it
I won't sit around
I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
Ive tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
I just gotta say it all before i go
Just so you know

Just so you know

Thought you should know
Ive tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
I just gotta say it all before i go
Just so you know

Just so you know

a person's life..

A story bout an ordinary teen...
not too tall and not too thin...also not too short or fat..
average atcually...
anyway...he's studying in SAMBEST now..
considered as a handsome guy by his friends (oh come on please dont laugh)
sometimes very talkative and destructive..
also rebellious sometimes..
but other times..he's really a nice guy once u get to know him..

popped out from his mom's tummy on 2 June 1995...
steak is his fav food...
got a best pal named Farquar Hazmie...
when he's home the comp would be reserved for one can touch it even for a minute...
has a sis thats one year younger than he is..
addicted to wii and facebook...
a big fan of dragonball since 9 years old...
lives in Soo-bunk Jalan USJ 17/3A to be exact...
has a cat named comel...does it ever grow
likes to read game magazines and comics..
has been active in myspace,facebook etc..etc.. since standard 4...
can u guess who he is now?

thats right...its me!! :D