Hmm...I've been sick for the past two days.So in addition,I did not go to school. It all started during the night prep class.I was starting on my homework when suddenly my tooth's beginning to feel pain.It was really painful,mind you..I can't even focus on what I'm doing.So I've decided to call my parents to pick me up at 11.00 p.m...When I reached home,I jumped immediately onto my bed and slept because I'm too tired to do anything.
The next morning,I went to the dentist to check what's causing the problem..The dentist however cannot detect any problems with any of my tooth..She even said that all of it was in good condition.Wow..I'm suprised..O_o..
Afterwards I went to a morning clinic nearby to see the doctor to check my temperature.The doc said that I had cough and also flu.Ooh and not to forget,a fever.Excellent,three in one..Anyway the doc gave me an M.C for two days..The doc also said that ignoring these diseases might cause disturbance in the teeth..Ooh so now I figured it out...Anyway after that,my mum treated me with Pizza Hut. 'em so much.:)
So for the next hour and until now,there was nothing much I can do except studying,eating and onlining for a little period of least Amirul and Faiz called me once in a while..So I didn't feel much lonely.But still,it's fun to stay at home,doing nothing..=.='..Eventually,I overheard a conversation between my parents last night.They were atcually going to Arab Saudi (Mecca).Which means they'll be leaving me and my sis for a week.But hey,I'm in hostel so that doesn't bother me much..I'll wish a safe journey for both of them and asked them to pray for me too..oops that's all for now..gotta do my H.W..=.='