The reunion's awesome at start and got a lil more entertaining at night. Let me tell you the whole story :)
The party starts at 3pm but unlucky for us , it rains. So , we wait for the rain to stop. While waiting , Farquar came to my house first. Along with Ameerul Syafiq. Then , we saw Alvin, Megat, Irfan, Ikmal at the field. So I invited them in. And then, Fadhlul and the rest came to my house and we rested for a while. After that we decided to do the evening prayer. But unfortunately, the rest of the gang which were in Vincy's all the time came to my house at that very moment. And so they waited for us to finish our prayers and we got out from the house. And I met all my schoolmates again. Walk all the way to USJ 17 field and it rained. So , Yik Kin suggested we went to USJ 16 gazebo for shelter. We walked all the way there to get shelter. Then , when the rest of em arrived , we waited and discuss how are we going to buy those foods. Me, Farquar, Tasha and Natasha decided to volunteer and buy the food. ( I have a transport, fyi.) To make matters worse, we didnt even know that at that time, Chermaine , Yik Kin , Yew Ming and Vicky ditched us and went back home. (I didnt blame them, maybe they have to go back early) We did receive too many phone calls from them to hurry though. Luckily, we managed to buy all the necessities. So we hurried back.
Then , we end up having KFC and soft drinks cause we can't buy any pizzas. But , we had a lot of fun. When we finished , we walk all the way back to my house and ended upat the USJ 17 field. Laugh , crack jokes , play Truth or Dare , ghost stories , futsal and stuffs. Supper at Sri Melur mamak. We had lots of fun.But the downside is, many of my friends did not come. :'(
But,nevertheless we're going to make a 2nd one I think. And its gonna be a huge and formal one xD
Thanks a lot guys! I'll be sure to remember this forever in my heart :'D
And thanks to my friend Vincy for organising this reunion. I'm sure we can do better next time, don't worry :)