This is the list of top 10 most expensive food in the world. If you are invited to warren buffet’s house, perhaps you can find one or two menus from the following list below. The most expensive one is enough to be exchanged with a medium class vehicle. I wonder why the buyer willing to spend more than 100k for an oversize and weight white truffles.
Matsutake Mushrooms is worth $1000 per pound because it is difficult to be cultivated and finding the seed is not easy job. Japanese researchers have tried many ways to mass-produce the mushrooms. Unfortunately, the plant not yet giving the live secret to the researchers
9. White truffle cream cheese Bagel by Frank Tujague
Chef Frank Tujague from New York’s Westin Hotel served the bagel with white truffle cream and cheese, goji berry, golden leaves, and sauce it with Riesling Jelly. The white truffle is the most expensive ingredient on the bagel and that is the sensible excuse why the menu is labeled a thousand dollar. White Truffle is aphrodisiac plant and it only grows under particular oaks in Alba, Italy.
8. The Zillion Dollar Frittata
The Zillion Dollar Frittata is a regular breakfast menu that is enriched by eggs, lobster and, the most expensive ingredient, 0.10 kg of Sevruga caviar which is labeled US$65/ounce. In other word, The Sevruga caviar alone is worth US$650 per served.
Wagyu Steak is made from Kobe beef which came from cows that were raised in Japan and outside of Japan. The beef came from cows that only drunk special beer from Kobe varietal and hand massaged routinely. It is fatty, tender, and pricey. You can find Wagyu Rib eye menu at New York City’s Craftsteak. The price of the menu is $2800 and you can share it with 4 friends if you feel too much.
6. Samundari Khazana Curry
This curry is recorded as world’s most expensive curry and it was served for the first time to celebrate the premier launched of Slumdog millionaire DVD. This curry is served with white truffle, a half tomato mixed with Beluga Caviar attired with gold leaves. As final touch, the menu is dished with a Scottish lobster with gold leaves, 4 abalone, 4 shelled and loads of caviar that are served inside quails eggs.
5. Domenico Crolla’s “Pizza Royale 007″
The pizza is a premium Italian dish that is delighted with priciest ingredients starts from lobsters soaked and cooked in cognac, caviar marinated in champagne, smoked salmon from Scotland, prosciutto, vintage balsamy vinegar and fresh sunblush tomato sauce. As final served, the pizza is topped with eatable 24k gold chips.
This green fruit is the princess of all watermelon in the world and one of it is more expensive than any complicated dishes to serve or foods on rank 10-3. It came from Hokkaido, Japan. The average weight is 17 lbs and the skin is darker than any melon in the world. Densuke watermelon is rare commodity and there is only 60-70 watermelons every harvest which are ready to be served.
In 2008, 2 Yubari melons were auctioned and sold for more than 20 grand. The buyer was an owner of local seafood lunchbox and a souvenir maker. Yubari melon is one of the rarest fruit in Japan. That auction time, the pair of Yubari melons must competed with other 100 Yubari melons from other farmers
One kilo of Almas Caviar is packed inside a 24k of gold tin and sold for £16,000 or approximately 25 grand. It is exported from Iran and it can be found in Caviar house and Prunier in London. As part of the business, the Caviar house is selling Britain’s most expensive meal and smaller Almas caviar which is sold for mere £800.
1.Italian White Alba Truffle – $160,406
White truffle is one of the rarest fungi in the world and trying to find the big size one is hardly possible. Around 2 years ago, a big Italian white Alba truffle weighting 1.51 kg/3.3 pounds, the heaviest white truffle ever found, was cultivated and purchased for €125,000 /US $160,406.The buyer was a real estate investor from Hong Kong. According to associated press, that label made the truffle becomes the world’s priciest truffle ever bought.
There you have it, The fabulous gourmet with fabulous prices.